Dear St. George's families,
We kicked this week off with our Head Boy and Head Girl leading worship for Anti-Bullying, in recognition of National Anti-Bullying Week. We are proud to be a school that celebrates difference and encourages all to live well together. In short, we say to our pupils: Be you. Check out the news story below to see what else we got up to for Anti-Bullying Week.
A big thank you to everyone who gave a pound today to raise money for Children in Need. It was fun seeing everyone dressed up in their polka dots and creating awareness for a good cause. A big thank you to Miss MacAlpine, Carley and our pupil leadership team for organising our cake sale.
There has been lots of progress in our playground redevelopment. The new surfaces and climbing opportunities have now been completed in the Early Years outdoor space. Check out the news story below to see some of our pupils having fun using them. The building team have now moved on to the Key Stage One playground and the younger children are really looking forward to those works being completed in the next three weeks. These are certainly exciting times at St George's.
Finally, please ensure that you have made a note of the important Christmas dates coming up. Information about booking your tickets for Nativities and when pupils can wear own clothes or their Christmas jumpers will be coming through on SchoolPing soon.
As ever, we wish you the very best of weekends, full of rest and fun, ready for learning on Monday.
Mr Janes
Head teacher
St. George's CE Primary