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Our Lovely Library

Our fantastic library space is open! 

We have a bright and welcoming environment with a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books.   Children are able to borrow books to take home and our librarians support the use of the library. 

The library is open every lunchtime and accessible to classes throughout the school day.  Children can research a specific topic or use the time to read a book, read aloud to a friend or float away into a different world listening to story read by an adult.

We will be adding to our library collection over time.  We have started a book wish-list.  

Met our Librarians for Spring Term.  They help to run St George's School Library.  They issue books, organise the library shelves and help to order new books on our wish-list.

Here is Isadora in action issuing books to Amara and Osasumwen!  


Tagged  Reading  Books  FBV