Sensational Strawberries!

Year 6 investigated the world of DNA with strawberries!
This week, we have been further exploring in our topic 'Evolution and Inheritance.' We looked at what DNA is in humans and in plants.
We looked at the different characteristics that have been passed onto us as through our parents' genes (not their trousers!)
We then investigated to see if we could separate the DNA from the strawberry. We did this by crushing up the strawberry to break down the cells. We added a secret extraction liquid that we made ourselves to split the cells open. We then passed this through a funnel that contained a filter. Finally, our teacher added rubbing alcohol to separate the DNA. I hope in our pictures you can see the gloopy white strands!
We did this through our Science vision:
Be academic. Be curious. Be Practical.
I hope you enjoy some of our pictures.