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Pass (over) the matzah!

Year 3 have been learning about What it is like to be a Jew and parttaking in a Seder meal in preparation for Passover.

Like practically every Jewish holiday, Passover is celebrated with food and wine.  The story of the Hebrews exodus from Egypt is retold with a plate of symbolic foods that represent everything from blood, sweat and tears to the promises of rebirth and a healthy future.

Last Friday, we had a wonderful time trying horse raddish and salted parsley representing bitterness, eggs and lamb representing sacrifice and grape juice representing the blood of the sacrifice. Although the reactions to the charuset was a bit mixed, we all enjoyed the unleavened matzah!

We live out our RE Vision Statement:

Be curious.

Be informed.

Be reflective.



Tagged  RE  Year 3  FBV