Spaghetti Structures!
Best Class dipped into super-structures with spaghetti!
Best Class dipped into super-structures with spaghetti!
Best Class have been looking into changing habits by eating healthier street food!
Year 4's D.T day, making bread and pizza!
"Give me a place to stand and I will move the world!" said the famous scientist, mathematician and inventor Archimedes. He is but one of the many inspiring designers we have studied during this topic. This morning we celebrated the results of our first DT day!
Year 5 have been making garlic flatbread for D.T.
In DT, Tull class spent an afternoon making pizza from scratch.
In Year 5, we have been making smørrebrød.
Jemison class have tasted the rainbow this week!
Year 6 took their entrepreneurial skills to the school quad!
This week, Year 5 completed their mechanism projects in DT.
Year 5 have been working on their culinary skills in Design Technology!
Year 3 have had fun linking their RE learning with Food technology this half term.
Year 6 have kicked off their food tech with brilliant burritos!
In Year 3, we have been getting our strawberries in a stew making delicious fruity yoghurts!
In Year 4, we have been learning how to make healthier meals.
What vegetable is always cold? A chilly!
In year 5, we designed and made our own Smorrebrods.
In year 5, we made flat bread with garlic butter.