It's alive!
Year 2 is "bee"-coming experts at life cycles, proving that learning about nature is always a "growth" opportunity!
Year 2 is "bee"-coming experts at life cycles, proving that learning about nature is always a "growth" opportunity!
Our champions from the Daily Mile in the Autumn term.
Over Autumn 1 term, St George's have been taking part in the Daily Mile and trying to run the quickest mile possible!
This week Year 2 started their creative journey in earnest, making mixed media waves inspired by Beth Krommes!
On Monday 15th July, Year 5 Little Leaders lead a fun Multi-Skills fun morning for Early Years and KS1.
On Wednesday, year 2 and year 3 participated in a school concert with different schools in the Lewisham borough.
In year 2 this week, we have been learning 'quarter to' and 'quarter past', as well as different time intervals.
In year 2, we have been looking at the work of William Morris. His work consists of repeated patterns reflecting natural objects such as birds, fruit, and vegetables.
In year 2, we have been busy growing radish and Swiss Chard. Want to know how? Luckily for you, we wrote instructions on how to grow these delicious vegetables!
On Tuesday 7th May, we held our first Dance Showcase!
This week we have been looking at length. measuring using rulers and metre sticks.
In Benjamin class we have been learning about germination.
Chance to Shine Cricket came to teach cricket every Wednesday and Friday for the half term.
This week, we celebrated all things Science from Nursery to Year 6!
Last week we had our very first St George's Science Fair!
In Year 2 this week, we have been looking at materials that are waterproof.
This week year 2 got the opportunity to visit our local fire station.
This week Benjamin class transformed into great mathematicians by exploring 3D shapes!
We have been writing non- chronological reports about our amazing class. Did you know the Benjamin class was named after a famous author and presenter, Floella Benjamin?
St George's tested their geography skills in their Orienteering Day!
In Maths, we have been finding 10 more and 10 less of 2-digit numbers.
In year 2, we have been exploring a famous illlustrator called Beth Krommes.
In year 2, we have been using base 10 to partition 2-digit numbers.
In art, Year 2 have been using mark-making tools to create different marks in our sketch books.
This term in RE we will be learning about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah.
Yellow house were victorious again ... two years running!
In Benjamin class, we have been looking at mass. We have been using water and watering jugs to find the volume of water.
On Tuesday, Year 2 and Year 1 ventured outside the school gates and visited the Horniman museum!
Year 2 have been retelling the story of Where The Wild Things Are!
In Benjamin class we have started to grow our very own sugar snap peas!
In year 2 we have been exploring germination!
Super scientists embarked on St George's Science Week!
In geography this week, we compared the difference between London and Nairobi.
In year 2, we experimented with blue food colouring and absorbing different materials.
In Benjamin class, we have been learning about the United Kingdom.
In Benjamin class, we have been reading Coming to England by Floella Benjamin.
Did you know our class was named after her?!
Enter Year 2 for all of your balanced diet requirements in order to stay healthy!
Year 2 have been busy making their very own Christingles.
In Science this week, Year 2 categorised animals based on whether they are predators, prey... or both!
In year 2, we explored a famous artist named Wassily (sometimes Vassily) Kandinsky.
In year 2, we created some explosive expanded noun phrases to help our writing come to life!
Year 2, Benjamin class, were eating some delicious apples to help learn about the Rosh Hashanah festival.
This week, Benjamin Class have been equator explorers in search of the world's rainforests!
Benjamin Class have had an amazing time recreating Australian Aboriginal Art, inspired by 'The Creation of Life' by John Kindness.
We have been scientists in Year 2, learning all about plants and how they grow!
Benjamin Class had fantastic fun this week during our PE dance lesson, learning all about the jungle and how we could move our bodies in different ways!
Today in Benjamin Class, we had a brilliant time conducting an experiment all about absorption!
This week, Benjamin class have had an amazing time writing non-chronological reports all about the country of Trinidad!
This week in RE, Year 2 began our exciting topic exploring the question: Why Did Jesus Teach The Lord’s Prayer As The Way To Pray?
They may be the youngest in the school but their stars shone just as brightly!
What a performance by St. George's at the Turning of the Year Concert at Blackheath Halls!
Year 2 have been learning all about physical features in our local area during our geography lesson this week!
Year 2 have been learning all about how to persuade an audience using exciting and creative adjectives when writing an invitation!
Years 1, 2 and 3 begin practising for the Turning of the Year concert 2021!
Year 2 have been learning all about colour and shape during our art lessons this week!
Year 2 have been out and about, spotting local human and physical features!