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Improving Playtimes

At St George's we are proud to have pupil representatives that take part in School Council meetings. 






This is so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them. 

Through their class reps, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues and share ideas that are then taken back to a school council meeting. This ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.  Pupils at St George's know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter. 

Recently, School Council have collected ideas to help improve our already fantastic offer at playtime.  They have now collated all the ideas and are in the process of actioning them.

The children spoke.   School Council listened.

Children asked for books and a quiet reading area.  Ahead of half-term the School Library will be open at playtimes and pupils will be trained as Librarians.  A greater selection of books will be included in the Dome area in KS1 playground too.

The children spoke.   School Council listened.

Children asked for a greater selection of games in the Quad area and more play equipment in the main playground.  In coming weeks, School Council will lead various fundraising activities and then purchase more board games, balls and equipment.  

The children spoke.   School Council listened.

Children asked for the return of healthy snacks via the Tuckshop each Friday.  School Council have written a proposal which they will present to Mr Janes next week.  

Our playtime offer is about to get even better thanks to our proactive and passionate School Council.