Painting like Piet Mondrian
Year 1 have created awesome geometric paintings in the style of Piet Mondrian.
Our Vision for Art at St George's is:
Be creative - Be proficient - Be reflective
This half term in Year 1, we have been looking at and drawing inspiration from the art of Piet Modrian. We learned that he used primary colours - red, yellow and blue - as well as black and white.
First, we built on our use of primary colours through collage and colour matching. Then, we improved our paintbrush technique by making smoother strokes. We built up to making a final piece inspired by Modrian's Composition in Red, Yellow and Blue. By keeping within the lines and using different sized brushes, each child developed a unique composition of shape and colour.
We are really proud of our paintings and hope to display them for everyone to admire!