Tolerance For All

Year 4 have had an exciting first week back engaging in discussions about our new Christian value for this half-term, tolerance.
After hearing a quote about tolerance from the Ghanaian diplomat Kofi Annan during our class worship, we were excited to discover that our new reading text 'Young Gifted and Black' had a section dedicated to him! Did you know that he was a Nobel Peace Prize winner?!
We were inspired to use our learning to write a haiku poem with the theme of tolerance in our writing lesson. We had to work really hard to stick to the 5 - 7 -5 syllable pattern as well as using rhyme. What superstars we are in Year Four.
Our English vision statement is:
Be a reader. Be a writer. Be a communicator.
We are really proud to have used our reading to learn about tolerance and to be writers to communicate our importance message through powerful poetry.
We hope you will enjoy reading a small selection of our work!