Golden Gymnasts

We have come to the end of our gymnastics unit across the school in PE.
Our PE topic for the first half of the Spring term was gymnastics.
Children started off by learning the different key gymnastic positions, including; pike, straddle, tuck, star and pencil.
From this, children practised various balances and how to make a cooperative balance. This required great strength and skill.
Using their knowledge of gymnastic positions, children practised jumping off benches and the vault, going into a position and then landing with a strong balance.
To continue their progression on the floor, they then worked on developing their cartwheel and handstand techniques.
Over the term children perfected different gymnastics moves, really focusing on the PE vision:
Be passionate. Be respectful. Be determined.
To complete the unit, children performed routines and jumps in a carousel activity.
Each class made fantastic progression and 6 children were nominated by the sports coach to win the sporting spirits.
Have a look at who won in each year.
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
We look forward to our next unit which will be dance!