Year Five 'The Greats'

In Year 5, we created timelines on Alexander the Great's life to find out why he is so renowned.
Our topic for history has been Ancient Greece. Children started to learn about the different periods in Ancient Greece, where we then dived into more detail for each period.
To end this fantastic topic, we learnt all about Alexander the Great. Children learnt about how he continued his Father's passion about uniting cities.
To show our learning, we made timelines all about his life and his incredible accomplishments as a warrior with all the land he conquered over his reign as King. To create the timelines, we reviewed what chronological order is and identified key dates in his life.
This linked well to out history vision:
Be Inspired. Be academic. Be reasoned.
We were certainly inspired by Alexander's accomplishments. We have been academic through our research. Finally, we have used our reasoning skills to decide whether or not he deserves to have the title 'The Great'. Some of us agreed, whilst others did not!