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Summer strawberries and so much more!

It has been a busy few weeks in nursery as our children continue their learning journeys.

Phew! We have been busy! Where to start?

Our Vision for Early Years is:

Be an explorer. Be a trier. Be a talker. Be a creator. 

We have been busy exploring, trying, talking and creating!

Diversity Day was good fun and gave us the chance to learn about the fabulous necklaces worn by the Masaai in Kenya and create our own very colourful versions.

We also continued our work on minibeasts learning all about spider's and their webs. We then made spider's webs linked to our focus texts The Very Busy Spider and Walter's Wonderful Web.

And we couldn't forget to do some cooking - a favourite activity in nursery! Have a look at our ladybird biscuits.

Meanwhile, outdoors, the children were busy creating minibeast homes from recycled materials. There was certainly room for lots of minibeasts in the homes they created!

We were also very excited to finally be able to pick (and eat !) our  strawberries. Delicious! 

And finally, a big 'Well Done' to Emma, who has shown our Learner Quality 'Persist' by learning to independently spell and write not just her own name, but also the words needed to make a card for mummy and daddy.


Masaai Necklaces


Making Spider Webs



Ladybird Biscuits


Mini Habitat Creations


Picking Our Own Strawberries



Tagged  Nursery  EYFS