Marvellous Miracles

In Year 4, we are learning about the miracles Jesus performed. To begin with, we learnt about the miracle of Feeding the 5,000.
To begin the year in Tull Class, our topic for Religious Education is Jesus' Miracles. To begin the topic, we discussed what a miracle is. Children shared ideas, with common answers of 'extraordinary' 'amazing' 'something that cannot be explained by science'. Learning about Jesus' Miracles fits in well with our R.E vision of:
Be Curious. Be Informed. Be Reflective.
Our first miracle to look at and reflect on was the miracle of the Feeding of the 5,000. We learnt the miracle and discussed its meaning and how we can incorporate this into our own lives - how we should be grateful for what we have. After, we then acted the miracle out as a whole class.
Children then wrote up about the miracle and what it meant to them.
We look forward to learning about more miracles in this unit.