A WILD start to 2023!

Jemison class have been reading and writing about the famous “Where the Wild Things are” by Maurice Sendak.
At St George’s our vision for English is:
Be a reader. Be a writer. Be a communicator.
We have started by looking at this classic book about visiting a land of strange animals. The children took turns pretending to be the main character, Max, sharing his emotions on his journey. We learned new vocabulary to extend our ability to describe emotional states: nervous, terrified, astonished, frustrated.
Jemison class wrote both in the first person, by making speech bubbles, and in third person, writing about Max’s changing emotions and explaining why he felt a certain way, using the conjunction ‘because’. We have been focusing on being more independent with our writing and the children have impressed the teachers this week with their persistence and determination.
Some children even chose to make a boat for Max’s journey in our creative area! What a great start to the year Jemison class!