Adventurous Authors!

In Year 4, we have been writing stories set in another culture.
This term, we have been looking at stories set in another culture. To start with, we read a story about a family in Sweden and learnt about how they were waiting for the sun. This linked well with a future science topic where we look at seasons around the world. We then read a story about a girl named Lila, who lived in Kenya, and how she was wishing for rain. Through looking at pictures, we came up with some great description using a variety of expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors. Through reading this book and learning a bit more about Kenya and used this information to help us with our story-telling.
After we wrote our stories, we then used 2 sessions where we edited our writing to make it even better.
Have a look at some of our writing.
We look forward to our next piece of writing, where we will be writing a persuasive advert on an invention.