Serious about Shakespeare!

In English, Year 5 wrote synopses on Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet!
In whole class reading, Year 5 read adaptations of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and then 'Romeo and Juliet'. Children were being readers as our English vision states, and really enjoyed working on these more mature texts, particularly the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. As Shakespeare said "For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo".
In writing, children were being writers, writing synopses of the play. The main challenge was to write in present tense throughout the writing, which children did really well. We also tried to include precise vocabulary and relative clauses. Have a read of some of the examples below and see if you can spot any examples of these!
Year 5 are also looking forward to learning more about Shakespeare and acting out one of his plays in our trip to the Globe planned for the Summer term!