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Year 6 were visited by TfL to support transition to Secondary!

This week, TfL kindly came in and gave a talk on transport and the safety in which our children need to conduct and behave themselves. 

We learnt all about how to get to and from school and friends' houses safely. We did this through walking and cycling, remembering our ABC for our bikes (Air, Brakes and Chain!).

We learnt about how to use the bus and train with the Zip card and how it can save us over £3500 in travel over 5 years! We learnt how to be safe and where to stand for these too. 

Click on the links below to explore what we learnt about:

There are also some handy links that might be useful for any absent pupils today, as well as for recapping. I would encourage the children to apply for their 11-15 Zip Oyster as soon as they’re able to rather than leave it until the summer holidays. (TfL Zip Oyster card link below.)

Test your knowledge quiz  

Oyster and Zip Cards

Anxious Travellers  with    

TfL Cycle Skills   

TfL STARS Safer Journey Planner       

TfL Journey Planner