Y5 Drama Workshops

Year 5 have been rehearsing for their stage production of Goldilocks later this term!
For the whole of this half term, Year 5 are lucky enough to have a visiting secondary drama teacher leading weekly workshops & helping them to rehearse a production of Goldilocks.
Each week, our sessions start with some fun warm-up games before we rehearse scenes from the play. Every child has a part, as well as additional stage roles, such as helping with scene changes or props. Year 5 have been loving honing their dramatic skills and learning all about stage left, right and centre.
We will be performing this on the professionally-sized stage at Deptford Green at their Fairy Tale Festival on Monday 17th July. We will have some rehearsal time there on the real stage before the show, as well as trying on our costumes and using the real props. Year 6 will also be doing a performance of Little Red Riding Hood. Loved ones are invited to watch and support our budding actors - parents/carers please see school ping for further information.