Let's see what unfolds ...

For Christmas, we have been using our art skills to make stars!
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! For the festive season, year 5 enthusiastically embarked on a creative journey of creating vibrant decorations, using origami, for our school decorations. It is this time of year when our vision statement really comes to light.
We are fun. We are together.
Christmas is the perfect opportunity for us to come together as a school. For this, Year 5 have been creating stars to help with the Christmas decorations. To do this, they learnt a new skill of origami. This Japanese style of art of folding paper into a 2D or 3D object was new and exciting to the class. Children had to use various skills of folding, using their fine motor skills and cutting accurately.
Be creative.
Be proficient.
Be reflective.
Have a look at how we made them ...
We also made links to our R.E topic about Art at Christmas and how relevant the star was to the nativity story, which was famously seen by the Wise Men. Children then made links to the nativity story.
We look forward to coming together as a school and community in this festive season.