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Horniman Museum Trip!

Jemison Class went on their first school trip!






Our culture statement at St George's is:

We are fun. We are together.

Of course, that means we go on fun trips together. 

Our science curriculum vision statement is:

Be academic. Be curious. Be practical. 

What better way to feed our curiosity than to venture out to a fabulous museum?!

Last Friday, Year 1 went to the Horniman Museum to learn about different types of animals linked to their Science topic of 'Animals, including humans'. They went around the gallery and the aquarium looking at the different animal groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. 

The children were really fascinated by the different types of animals that can be found all over the world and ones that they had never even heard of before! They were epically interested in the tropical fish aquarium and even found 'nemo' the clown fish.