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Beanz Meanz - Nursery!

Our topic work on Ground, Air and Water continues in MacMillan class..... 

You may remember from our last nursery newsletter that Macmillan Nursery Class had been busy planting beans to tie in with one of our focus texts, Jack and the Beanstalk. Well, we are very proud to announce that the beanstalks are well underway!

We have monitored the growth of the beans, roots and shoots through the sides of clear pots, and now that the plants are becoming much taller - after lots of watering - we have re-potted the beanstalks into some soil to help them grow even taller! The children have been very patient waiting for the beans to grow, unlike Jasper in one of our other texts, Jasper's Beanstalk!

Having learnt lots about, the life-cycle of the bean plant, we then decided it was time to taste some beans! So beans on toast was on the menu in nursery, tying in nicely with our text Beans on Toast, a book which helped us understand how beans get from the farm to our tables.

We have certainly been living out our Early Years curriculum statement of:

Be an explorer.

Be a trier.

Be a talker.

Be a creator. 


Have a look at all our lovely learning:


Beanstalk re-potting

The children decided to try to create their own beanstalk outdoors!

Beans on the menu


Tagged  Nursery  EYFS