Shackleton Class Dives into Textiles and Collage.

This term, Shackleton Class started an exciting new art topic: textiles and collage!
This week, Shackleton Class started an exciting new art topic: textiles and college! We kicked off with an inspiring focus on Lesley Richmond, an artist known for creating stunning textile art inspired by the beauty of nature, especially trees. Her work combines intricate details and layers of fabric to create pieces that almost feel alive.
In our lesson, we explored why her art is so impactful. It’s not just the beauty of her pieces—it’s also the emotions they evoke and how they make you stop and really look. Our task was to respond to Lesley Richmond’s art by sharing our thoughts and ideas. What did we notice? How did her work make us feel? What techniques could we use in our own art? Everyone in Shackleton Class had something different to say—some of us loved her colour choices, while others were amazed by her ability to make fabric look like real bark or leaves!
In true Shackleton style, we embraced our art curriculum’s vision statement:
Be creative. Be proficient. Be reflective.
We took inspiration from Lesley’s work and began planning how we could use textiles and collage to create our own masterpieces. To finish off the lesson, we captured our responses in our art books with pictures and our written responses alongside it to showcase our learning.