Art Attack in Key Stage 2

School is back and that means that art is back!
We have loved beginning our new art topics this half term across key stage 2.
We now have sketch books that are A3 in size so we have plenty of space to experiment, express ourselves and trial a variety of media.
In Year 3, we have been looking at Van Gogh and have used a variety of the painting techniques he used ourselves.
In Year 5, we have been using viewfinders to home in on interesting areas of pictures before recreating them ourselves using drawing techniques we have learned. We have also been experimenting using a 'negative technique' with charcoals.
In Year 6, we have been representing still life drawings using a variety of media and have also begun our own self portraits.
Watch this space to see how these art projects progress - we will publish some news articles in the next couple of weeks to show our progress.