Bready, steady, bake!
On DT day, Shackleton class looked at different type of breads, what makes them unique and had a go making their own!
On DT day, Shackleton class looked at different type of breads, what makes them unique and had a go making their own!
"Give me a place to stand and I will move the world!" said the famous scientist, mathematician and inventor Archimedes. He is but one of the many inspiring designers we have studied during this topic. This morning we celebrated the results of our first DT day!
This week, Year 3 have been experiencing what happens to corn kernels under pressure and exploring different seasoning!
Watch out! Year 3 have made Roman catapults in the style of Archemedes!
Startling starch and complex carbohydrates, guess what? Chips are not always bad for you!
This week, Year 3 have been pop(ping)-stars making yummy, healthy popcorn with three different seasonings. Can you guess our favourite?