Imperial War Museum!
A couple of weeks ago, Best Class finished their History topic by visiting IWM!
A couple of weeks ago, Best Class finished their History topic by visiting IWM!
On Thursday 21st November, Year 4 went to the British Museum.
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Shackleton class visited the British Museum to explore the Ancient Greeks!
Ever wondered how the Anglo-Saxons came to be in Britain? Year 4 will tell you how!
The school was awash with inspirational figures today for Be Brave Day!
Year 6 finished their Windrush history topic with a celebration of Caribbean culture!
Jemison class have been learning all about Mary Anning and what she discovered!
This week year 2 got the opportunity to visit our local fire station.
Best Class visited the Imperial War Museum this week to close off their history topic!
On Wednesday 1st November, Shackleton Class visited the British Museum.
Tull has visited the British Museum to explore the Anglo-Saxons!
Watch out! Year 3 have made Roman catapults in the style of Archemedes!
To celebrate Coronation weekend, we held our very own Coronation at St George's!
Best class visited the Imperial War Museum as part of their WW2 Battle of Britain topic!
Last week, Year 5 had a great time at the British Museum!
On Friday, Year Two visited our local fire station!
In Year 4, we have been learning about Walter Tull for Remembrance Day.
Year 6 looked into rationing during WW2 and what life was like!
In year 4, we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the importance of the Sutton Hoo Burial.
A day of learning about the different cultures that make up St George's.
Well done to everyone who came in dressed as a historical figure who has shown bravery or fought social injustice today!
A St George's 'Street Party' with hats, bunting, cake and music!
This week our Year Three’s have mined their brains for the knowledge they have acquired on Iron Age Britain.
Year 3 have been getting curious about the Iron Age Celts! Where did they come from? Where did they go? Why did they hate the Romans so?
Year 1 Jemison have been learning about Sir David Attenborough.
In Year 5, we created timelines on Alexander the Great's life to find out why he is so renowned.
We are so excited to announce our new class names! The final decision was down to class teachers and their classes. School Council Representatives announced the names in Celebration Worship this morning.
Over the Autumn term, year 5 have been learning all about Ancient Greece.
As part of our topic 'All About Me', Reception have been focusing on 'Our Homes' this week!
Pupil Book Study for Science, History and Geography across the school.
This Thursday, the whole school came together at 11 o'clock to remember those who have given their lives for us in service.
Year 6 have celebrated the end of their Windrush Generation unit with a carnival in class!
Pioneer inspiration for Year 6 - Positive influence and cultural change of the Windrush Empire.
We kicked off Black History Month by reading Barak Obama's book written for his daughters together.