Reading Cafe Part 2!
It was a pleasure to have the Reception and Year 1 parents back for our spring Phonics Cafe!
It was a pleasure to have the Reception and Year 1 parents back for our spring Phonics Cafe!
Reception have really enjoyed the traditional tale: 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
At St George’s our culture statement is:
We are fun. We are together.
Today, we donned our PJs and celebrated reading for Pyjamarama!
Everyone enjoyed the annual World Book Day celebrations in school this week!
We had a huge amount of fun celebrating World Book Day!
At St. George’s we really enjoy books, and this was a brilliant way to celebrate our love of reading.
We are very lucky to have a dedicated library space within our school run by very keen Librarians.
This week, St George's Librarians ran a cake sale and a raffle fundraiser. Money raised will be used to purchase new books to enhance the library's collection.
Jemison Class have been learning to become fluent readers!
We are fully committed to setting our children up to succeed!
Phonics, reading, community, and biscuits: what a fantastic turn out for our phonics cafe!
Last week, we donned our PJs and celebrated reading for Pyjamarama!
On the Friday before St George's Day, we all came together to hear the legend of St George defeating the dragon...
In English, Year 5 wrote synopses on Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet!
As promised last week, here are a selection of the amazing outcomes from our World Book Day writing focus.
Everyone at St George's enjoyed World Book Day this week!
Jemison class have been reading and writing about the famous “Where the Wild Things are” by Maurice Sendak.
Our fantastic 'Faith Radio' has returned to St George's airwaves!
Phonics, reading, community, and biscuits: what a fantastic turn out for our phonics cafe!
We are very lucky to have a dedicated library space within our school. We are ambitious for all children to be readers and have a love of books and reading.
Year 1 Jemison class has begun the year with a BANG – a space ship has crashed and a mysterious, three eyed alien is lost on Earth!
In Jemison class children have been writing traditional tales independently!
Paired reading, hot chocolate, bedtime stories and dressing in our PJs: Pajamarama is back at St George's!
We are very lucky to have a dedicated library space within our school. We are ambitious for all children to be readers and have a love of books and reading.
World Book Day 2022 was celebrated in style at St. George's!
Our fantastic library space is open!
We are very lucky to have a dedicated library space within our school. We are ambitious for all children to be readers and have a love of books and reading.
This week, Benjamin class have had an amazing time writing non-chronological reports all about the country of Trinidad!
At St. George's we love whole class reading and reading response as part of our English vision:
Be a reader. Be a writer. Be a communicator.
Year 6 have been creating some amazing responses to their home reading using our generative schema map style!
Year 4 have had an exciting first week back engaging in discussions about our new Christian value for this half-term, tolerance.
Shakespearean plays, black heroes, Edward Lear limericks, and tales of Peter Rabbit: our first set of whole class reading texts are fantastic this half term!
A big thank you to parents from Reception, Year One and Year Two who attended our first phonics workshop of the year.
Pioneer inspiration for Year 6 - Positive influence and cultural change of the Windrush Empire.
Whole-class reading begins at St. George's!