Shackleton Class: Travelling in time!
This week, Shackleton Class has been buzzing with creativity as we’ve taken on an exciting new creative writing task!
This week, Shackleton Class has been buzzing with creativity as we’ve taken on an exciting new creative writing task!
Best Class have become young poets this week at St George's!
Best Class have been writing in the style of fantasy authors.
In year 2, we have been busy growing radish and Swiss Chard. Want to know how? Luckily for you, we wrote instructions on how to grow these delicious vegetables!
This week, we had our annual celebrations of Saint George's Day!
Tull class have been looking at how to write persuasive adverts in writing this term and have come up with some amazing products to sell!
Everyone enjoyed the annual World Book Day celebrations in school this week!
This week year 2 got the opportunity to visit our local fire station.
We have been writing non- chronological reports about our amazing class. Did you know the Benjamin class was named after a famous author and presenter, Floella Benjamin?
In line with our spiritual pathway of Confrontation, Year 3 are being Brave standing up for what they believe in. Even if that means writing a formal letter of complaint to Rishi Sunak himself!
Staff across our Multi Academy Trust came together to learn how to support our pupils even better.
Year 5's writing: Stories set in another culture.
Best Class have been writing a first person moral story!
This week, Year 4 have been working hard on their handwriting and sentence understanding.
Year 2 have been retelling the story of Where The Wild Things Are!
Take a look at our St George's Day writing on display!
Kahlo Class have been busy exploring 'Our Journeys' as part of our new summer term topic, 'Journeys'.
On the Friday before St George's Day, we all came together to hear the legend of St George defeating the dragon...
In Year 4, we have been writing stories based on another culture.
In English, Year 5 wrote synopses on Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet!
As promised last week, here are a selection of the amazing outcomes from our World Book Day writing focus.
Everyone at St George's enjoyed World Book Day this week!
In Year 4, we have been writing stories set in another culture.
In Benjamin class, we have been reading Coming to England by Floella Benjamin.
Did you know our class was named after her?!
Jemison class have been reading and writing about the famous “Where the Wild Things are” by Maurice Sendak.
Year 6 have been creating suspense and tension in their writing about a World Cup penalty!
On Friday, Year Two visited our local fire station!
Who wants a job at St George's school? Year five pupils think they are up to the job!
In year 2, we created some explosive expanded noun phrases to help our writing come to life!
Year 1 have been combining our work on numbers within ten with our latest story!
In Jemison class children have been writing traditional tales independently!
Celebrating St George's Day at St George's!
Fridays mean Handwriting Club in Tull Class! Come and see what we get up to...
World Book Day 2022 was celebrated in style at St. George's!
虎年兴旺 (Wishing you a prosperous year of the Tiger!)
This week, Benjamin class have had an amazing time writing non-chronological reports all about the country of Trinidad!
Year 4 have had an exciting first week back engaging in discussions about our new Christian value for this half-term, tolerance.
Year 6 have been working on their 'moral' compass as they have been writing first person narratives!
Year 2 have been learning all about how to persuade an audience using exciting and creative adjectives when writing an invitation!
We are really proud of our published final drafts in writing across Key Stage Two.