Victorious Reds!
Year 5/6 Girls House Football Competition at St Dunstan's Jubilee Ground.
Year 5/6 Girls House Football Competition at St Dunstan's Jubilee Ground.
Year 5/6 Boys House Football Competition at St Dunstans Jubilee Grounds.
Best Class dipped into super-structures with spaghetti!
Best Class Artists Shine with Picasso and Caulfield-Inspired Creations!
Our champions from the Daily Mile in the Autumn term.
This week saw the performance of 'The Present' at school by the creators and facilitators at the Old Vic.
A couple of weeks ago, Best Class finished their History topic by visiting IWM!
A group from our Year 6s attended St Dunstan's to take part in a maths challenge.
Best Class have become young poets this week at St George's!
Children from St George's were selected to take part in the October Half Term Tennis Camps at Old College Lawn Tennis Club
Best Class have been looking into changing habits by eating healthier street food!
Over Autumn 1 term, St George's have been taking part in the Daily Mile and trying to run the quickest mile possible!
Year 5/6 mixed basketball School Games Competition.
Want to know the fun to be had on Year 6 Residential? Best Class let the whole school know on Thursday!
This term, Best Class have been making their own portraits in our fine art unit.
Year 5/6 Boys Football Tournament
Best Class went on the residential trip to PGL Windmill Hill.
Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament.
Best Class have delved into the world of Buddhism in RE this half-term.
On Friday 12th July, St George's took part in the annual MAT Games.
Best Class went to Southend's Adventure Island for the end-of-year reward trip!
On Thursday 4th July, 8 children went to Wimbledon to watch the tennis!
Best Class took a trip to Horniman's Pond for a session in nature!
Our Year 5/6 Boys Football Champions 2024, Blue House.
Our Year 5/6 Girls Football Champions for 2024 - Red House
Best Class have investigated electricity and problems within circuits this week!
Year 6 girls World Cup football.
On Wednesday 5th June, St George's attended the Lewisham School Games, Orange Tennis Tournament.
Best Class have been writing in the style of fantasy authors.
On Friday 24th May, St George's entered the Lewisham School games Year 5/6 Boys Cricket competition.
On Tuesday 21st May, St George's took part in the Year 5/6 Girls Cricket, Lewisham School Games competition.
On Sunday 19th May, St George's went to watch the basketball play-off finals at London's O2 arena.
Year 6 took a trip to the park as a reward for their hard-work in the SATs!
On Monday 29th April, St George's played a friendly match against Perrymount.
On Saturday 20th April, 20 pupils represented St George's in London's TCS Mini Marathon.
Our year 5/6 Girls Hockey Champions - Purple house
Our year 5/6 boys House Hockey Champions: Blue House
Year 6 have stepped into the world of 3-D artwork this half-term!
Year 6 finished their Windrush history topic with a celebration of Caribbean culture!
Chance to Shine Cricket came to teach cricket every Wednesday and Friday for the half term.
This week, we celebrated all things Science from Nursery to Year 6!
Last week we had our very first St George's Science Fair!
Best Class transformed into brave cardiologists this week, looking into hearts!
Year 6 have community cricket coaches in this half-term!
Our year 6 Little Leaders have been helping run fun games and activities for our Fit4Life club.
With the deadline for Year 5 pupils to commit to our Residential next year, we asked Year 6 to lead assembly and let us know all about the fun to be had at PGL!
Year 6 have had a go at gymnastics this half-term with floor and equipment work!
Best Class visited the Imperial War Museum this week to close off their history topic!
St George's tested their geography skills in their Orienteering Day!
Last week, Year 6 went to the amazing Science Museum to explore!
KS2 have taken ownership of some new life at St George's!
Best Class have been investigating the bright world of light!
A group of Year 6's went to Windmill Hill in East Sussex for PGL!
Best Class took a trip to Southwark Cathedral to learn about pilgrimages.
On Monday 6th November 2023, St George's attended the year 5/6 basketball competition.
Best Class have been writing a first person moral story!
Year 5/6 mixed football tournament.
To complete our football unit in P.E, we held a fun competition in our classes.
Best class has been exploring the artistic world of self-portraits!
In Year 6, we have been writing an autobiography as if we are the inspirational Vanessa Nakate.
Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament.
Year 6 have investigated the Taxonomy system created by Carl Linnaeus!
Yellow house were victorious again ... two years running!
Farewell and good luck Year 6!
Year 6 took their entrepreneurial skills to the school quad!
SDBE MAT Games Day for Years 5 and 6.
Year 6's end of year trip was all the way to Southend for the amazing Adventure Island theme park!
Trip to the All England Lawn Tennis Club in Wimbledon 2023.
Year 6 dropped their poetry skills into diversity!
Year 5/6 Boys Kwik Cricket Competition.
Year 6 explored the world of prayers: what they mean to us and how we use them.
Year 5/6 School Games Football Tournament.
Year 6 are exploring Darwin's ideas of evolution and inheritance.
Year 6 were visited by TfL to support transition to Secondary!
On Saturday 22nd April 2023, 20 children from St George's took part in the TCS Mini Marathon.
The results from our intra house hockey competition and the overall standings after house football and hockey.
Best Class took their artistic talents into the world of printing!
KS2 QuickSticks Hockey Tournament at Dulwich College Sports Club!
Super scientists embarked on St George's Science Week!
Science Museum Trip for Year 6!
Year 6 stepped into the world of surgery learning about the heart!
Year 5/6 boys intra school competition - football
Year 5/6 girls intra sports competition - football
Best class visited the Imperial War Museum as part of their WW2 Battle of Britain topic!
Year 6 have kicked off their food tech with brilliant burritos!
On Monday 16th January, year 5/6 took part in ALPS SportsHall Athletics.
Year 6 have entered the geographical realm of 'Earthquakes, Mountains and Volcanoes!'
Year 6 have been creating suspense and tension in their writing about a World Cup penalty!
School Games - Year 5/6 girls football competition
Year 6 have stepped back in time to look at Sonnet's with a focus on Shakespeares' Sonnet 18!
Year 6 looked into rationing during WW2 and what life was like!
Year 6 completed their final Khalo style portraits this week!
Our fantastic 'Faith Radio' has returned to St George's airwaves!
Year 6 went wild with adventure at Windmill Hill PGL!
Year 6 have entered the world of classification through some terrific taxonomy!
Today, we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils at our Leavers' Ceremony.
Year 6 investigated the world of DNA with strawberries!
Our Year 6 Entrepreneurs have created, marketed and begun selling their products on Friday!
In year 6, we have been electrical engineers exploring electrons!
Year Six visited the Church to meet pupils from four other Lewisham schools in preparation for secondary school.
School Games Year 5/6 Quicksticks Hockey
Trip to the O2 in Greenwich to watch the British Basketball Playoff Finals.
Year 6 have been settling into the world of human geography and population patterns!
Year 5 and 6 went to Windmill Hill (PGL) for their residential!
Year 6 have been using starch to stiffen up their art game!
Year 5/6 ALPS Football Tournament.
In Year 6 we are starting out 3-D modelling unit in the style of artist Dale Chihuly.
Year 6 have been creating their own traditional Haka style dance; don't be too scared by the fearsome warriors!
In Year 6 this week we have been replicating the movement of the tectonic plates!
Year 5 and Year 6 have been conquering the road-rules with 'Cycle Confidence' this week!
Year 6 have been creating some amazing responses to their home reading using our generative schema map style!
In Year 6, we have started back on our geography journey by delving into the world... literally with the structure of the Earth.
Year 6 have been looking at Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 and finding out about how he influenced the writing of future playwrights and authors.
Year 5/6 SportsHall Athletics
Year 6 have been working on their 'moral' compass as they have been writing first person narratives!
Year 6 took their first trip this year to the Junior Citizenship Event to learn how to be role models within society!
Year 6 have started their new 'Light' topic and illuminated their imaginations with how light travels!
We are really proud of our published final drafts in writing across Key Stage Two.
Year 6 have celebrated the end of their Windrush Generation unit with a carnival in class!
Pioneer inspiration for Year 6 - Positive influence and cultural change of the Windrush Empire.
Which House won our first Intra-school competition of the year?
Carl Linnaeus Classification of Invertebrates. We showed we have a backbone and persisted with the difficult task of classifying.
School is back and that means that art is back!
Planning, marketing, strategizing and fund-raising mean a fun day of bowling for Year 6!
We had a very special ex-pupil visit us this week...