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School Lunches

Alliance in Partnership

At St. George's, our school lunches are offered by Alliance in Partnership. 

What they say about their lunches:

Being in the industry for just over 21 years we have learnt that no two schools or colleges are the same and we promise to offer a service which is ideal for your requirements, meeting your specific needs.

At AiP we firmly believe that we have a responsibility to support our Primary Schools by helping with the education of the children with regards to food, lifestyle and making healthy choices. Our Primary School offer is all about promoting a well-balanced diet whilst encouraging the children to try new things and to have fun with food!

To find out more about Alliance in Partnership, please visit their website, here.


St. George's is now a cashless school. All payments for school lunches are made through Parent Pay. 

School meals are currently priced at £2.35 a day. 

For more information on what ParentPay is and what it offers, please visit the website, here.

Please contact the office for more information. 





Packed Lunches

Packed lunches should be brought to school in a small plastic lunchbox, labelled with your child’s name.  Although you know best what your child likes to eat, a balanced packed lunch may include the following.

  1. A filled roll or sandwich - starchy foods are filling and provide energy.
  2. The fillings for rolls and sandwiches could include e.g. lean meat, chicken, oily fish, egg or marmite - these contain  the protein, iron and vitamins children need.
  3. Dairy products - cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais etc - these contain calcium and protein which is important in building strong bones.
  4. Fruit and vegetables - raw vegetables, fresh or dried fruit and canned fruit in juice, smoothies - these provide fibre and vitamins.

Please do not include nuts for safety reasons and because some children are allergic to them.

Confectionery such as chocolate coated biscuits and sweets and savoury snacks such as crisps are not allowed as part of a packed lunch.  Please note that school dinner main meal and puddings are made to strict guidelines on the amount of sugar and salt added.

Water or milk is provided at lunchtime, so it is not necessary to include a drink.

For school trips, one 'treat' is allowed!

If your child is either starting or stopping packed lunches it is important that you let the office know before you make the change.